I've been finding it incredibly difficult to cultivate my new years resolutions. Life has increased it's current and i'm thrashing against the rocks tumbling downstream...
Yes I know i'm very dramatic but a metaphor can perfectly sum up a feeling and it's magnitude.
Perfectionism is deceiving my reality leaving me unsatisfied with whatever work I find myself doing. I was scrolling through a fantastic blog today to find that a girl had perfectly summarised my thoughts on it. "Perfectionism is a mental illness" it forms self depreciating habits. If you find yourself falling into this negative mindset of nit picking remember:
I don't always have to be the best to be doing well. My success isn't measured by how much I've managed to learn but by how much effort I have given to learn it.
I want to evolve into a better form of myself this year. I can portend that such a journey will be a struggle but a worthwhile journey it will be. I need to practice self acceptance. When I think of myself I want to avoid criticism and find the things I appreciate. Worry less, and enjoy life. Take each day as it comes and think less about the future and about things beyond my control. I want to add meditation to my list of resolutions. I don't give nearly enough time to reflect on my thoughts. Instead I choose to plan ahead. I plan each step I predict ahead eyes on the future so as to never fall behind. It's draining- keeping up with the moving crowd never pausing to reminisce in the beautiful view. I need to work on staying present to fulfill my daily goals but always living one day at a time.
Stay hopeful and have faith in your own capabilities
Be proud of your progress
Keep moving forward
I can totally relate to this, here's to a productive 2016!