

You can love it and you can hate it.

 I've always been fascinated by poetry, especially now as a teenager were i'm struggling to express myself and find out who I am and that's what poetry is. A form of expression. It's fascinating, mysterious, inspiring! It can be funny or depressing, it's really up to what the poet wishes to portray. I really wish I knew how to write poetry but quite frankly I don't believe i'm clever enough yet to find ways in which to hide secret messages within the words of a beautifully winded poem. I thought about writing children's poetry but I never could rhythm. 

The mind of a poet must be an adventurous place. They have such interesting views on the world and can create the extraordinary from the ordinary.I remember liking the poems of William Wordsworth as a child. I enjoyed 'Daffodils' and the spectacular scenery that came with it, as children we are drawn to vivid imagery. The beauty of nature was projected greatly in the lines of the famous poem, but now looking back on it I can enjoy it in a different way.

I can see past the vibrant colours of the words. I can see what's beyond them. I can dig deeper to the depths of the poet's conscious, and question. I love how when you read a poem you have an initial impression of it's content but upon reading twice this opinion can change completely, as your views are molded by ideas and theories. It's incredible how each person can take differently from a poem and view it almost inversely.

I'm glad we have to study poetry in school as much as it annoys me. I just wish we didn't have to study the poetry chosen by our teachers and we can study poetry that we actually enjoy. Everyone has their own taste, why can't we revel in the one's we wish to. My teacher has chosen Emily Dickinson and I wouldn't dare say she's a bad poet because that's far from the truth but personally I don't enjoy her poetry. I dreaded every English class we had until we had finished her section of the poetry book but then we moved onto Robert Frost who is also not particularly my favourite. I have to admit though, his style of writing is extremely admirable, especially his ability to hide a universal message within the story of his poem.  I find them alittle difficult to read and would have to read them 3 or 4 times to fully understand what is even going on in his poems. On this track I am not looking forward to finding out what other poets she has picked as clearly we do not have the same taste in poetry. 

I guess I can study my own desired poetry in what's left of my free time. I wish I were friends with a poet. I'd love to explore the world from their eyes. I am enticed by lyrical people, creative minds who see beyond what can be physical seen. I love questioners but I'll leave that topic for another day. 



  1. I love poetry, reading verse is so relaxing for the mind sometimes.

    e.e cummings, sylvia plath, alice oswald, and dylan thomas are some of my favourites :)


  2. So true! I love poetry as well. Poets are fascinating people. Awesome post, really well said.

    x leah symonne x


  3. As someone head over heels for poetry, this makes me very happy. x

    Amen Fashion †


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