Friday's Rambles

Friday 16th October 2015
So yeah today is Friday! I actually had a pretty good day today. I woke up really high on life and cheerful for the day ahead. I had to literally mentally prep myself to get out of bed because I was so exhausted from the past week, but once I jumped that mental hurdle I was good to go. I even had time for a decent breakfast which usually doesn’t happen…well if decent excludes being healthy because I think four slices of white bread doesn’t quite make the cut.
I get the bus at 7.15am every morning I know it’s a pain in the butt so my alarm murders my luscious slumber at 6am *tear tear*. Usually the traffic is pretty bad and I get in for 9.20am and wander around till my 10am class begins. This past week however my wandering time has been overtaken by toilet duties where I blow up half my brains thanks to this pesky cold. YAY -.-
This morning I had a lab for three hours. All of my lecturers have been referring to them by their proper term ‘laboratories’. I had to admit I quietly adore the term, it sounds very sophisticated which maybe is why they call it that but it still appears quite strange to the ear, for me anyway.

Our lab instructor and biology lecture Rochford is a fantastic man. I admire his enthusiasm and his captivating voice. It is the perfect pitch and volume so as to allow you to catch his every word. This is beyond essential for me as I oft’ get lost in waffles of instruction and find myself puzzled through the process and would probably end up mixing two terrible liquids together making a catastrophic mess of the place. My lab partner Victoria is the bomb diggity and we work well together. There are no awkward silences and we are both too easily amused by the simplest of things, like the wondrous whirly mixer that had the two of us giggling away to ourselves at our lab bench. Today we got to do science-y shizz to sheep’s blood and make it change colour a bunch of times. It was pretty cool but I most definitely should learn the scientific description of the process and the theory of what exactly happened because I need to sound the part to play the part right? ;)
Next I skipped off to my maths tutorial. Fionn is my tutor he’s a post-grad I believe but I’m not entirely sure, either way he is a lovely guy. He’s pretty chill and he just oozes those ‘I know my shit’ vibes but in a non-intimidating way. He is always happy to help even if his explanation may be way more mathematical then your brain works, you can bet that he will try his best to put you at ease with the material. He’s one of those older-brother-type students that want to make sure you’re not a panicky ball of stress about maths and that you just chill and take it in. Go Fionn!

I wandered around with a grumbly tummy for an hour until my bus. I resisted the urge to let the delicious scent of subway entice me into purchasing a warm sandwich that would put a dent in my tight budget. My will power will be mighty strong by the end of term kiddos just you wait and see! This haaaaaaaaaaaaandsome fellow seated himself beside me on the bus. I’m pretty sure he was a model, no one looks that good and dresses that well unless they do it for a living! I was intensely staring out the window so as to best avoid eye contact with his intimidatingly beautiful face. My wonderful mother kindly rescued my poor feet from the walk home and collected me from the bus station. When I got home I decided to not be a productive and smart student and get cracked on my piling lab assignments and write ups but instead make myself a lovely steaming cup of hot chocolate curled up on the sofa for 2 hours and lost myself in a film.

Me, Earl and the Dying Girl. I know most of you have probably seen it but I’m a bit lagging on the updates of… well anything really. If you are a slow child like me and haven’t gotten round to watching it yet I definitely recommend it. It’s not your typical sappy-ass romcom ( im not complaining I secretly-not-so-secretly love them too..shh). The movie takes a comical twist on the usual boy meets girl tragedy. They’re both quiet mavericks in their own strangely unique way and personally I love the ghetto element of the character Earl in contrast to Rachel and Greg. The cinematography too! Ughhhh it was so aesthetically pleasing, the frames and the angles, oh yes <3 <3 The peculiar layout of the cinematography reminded me of a diluted version of The Grand Budapest Hotel. I won’t allow myself discuss it because I am hopeless at holding myself back from dropping them spoilers so I won’t even attempt it but it was definitely a fabulous piece of film. Go watch it!

That’s the majority of my day really so I think I’ll just blast some indie tunes and chill out for the night.
Over and Out,

Love Iesha xx


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