alors c'est moi encore..
With the recent
events of... well everything really, I have had the ever growing urge to write
but not quite finding the right words to say.
I can be found often frantically busying from one place to the
next overwhelmed with a whirlwind of feelings.
I am always telling myself I need to organise my life but I have
come to accept that it is simply a reflection of my inner workings. An
overenthusiastic, spiritually frustrated, artistic mess.
A mess that I need not fight with to miraculously tidy itself as
if it were an excerpt from a film about a riveting Disney princess. It is the
kind of mess that one should embrace, like a pile of autumn leaves- lie back
under their frosty crunch and bask in their motley organic elegance.
The past few months have been topsy turvy and if I were to retell
them to you I would think it impossible to find an appropriate place to start,
so instead of retelling the tales of my recent past, I instead shall allow it
to unravel as it wills with the coming stories of my present.
I know my belated return cannot include the empty promise of
regular appointments but it is salted with the sincerity of good intentions of
spontaneous and delightful reappearances.
Till then,
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