Time to Unwind

We all experience those moments where we feel like we're at our last theader physically and mentally exhausted. In times like this the most important thing is to relax and distract our minds from the harshness of life even if it means you must spend your last precise few pennies to spoil yourself. For the good of your health. An inventment I guess, its vital to take care of yourself not just with eating a good diet and maintaining regular exercise but also to freshen up your mental health on a daily basis. It's so easy to slip away to a dark place. My biggest goal in life is to sustain and maintain happiness. Purify your mind of negativity and soothe yourself from the sharp seriousness of the real world. It's a battlefield out there.
Go out spend time with some friends or stay home and have a nice long peaceful bath and lounge around in your comfiest pjs, or like I did, do both.
I strolled through town enjoying the sun and bought my self my first bath bomb at Lush which I was suprised to find out supports anti- animal testing, Go Lush!! It smelt heavenly and although disappointed that it didn't change the water colour I was delighted that I smelt just as heavenly as it did.
I bought myself a lovely new nightgown for after and just lay back and chilled to the sweet melodies of my indie playlist.  <3


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