It seems I only write here when i'm sad.

It seems I only write here when i'm sad?
 I've been meaning to write all week I've had tonnes of topics to write about with all the mixture of emotions I've been feeling this week, but as the feeling fades it's a bit unfair and untrue to write about a past feeling in the present and it truly is never as sincere as in the moment of things.My posts are always inspired by my current emotions excluding fashion posts I suppose. They are more spontaneous.
When I write I place myself outside of my thoughts and I don't allow myself to think what i'm writing but rather just type unconsciously so i'm writing my mind is doing the talking.

I want to write about happy things instead of seeming like a moany cranky witch. Sadness inspires me to write. As a little girl i'd write stories of my imaginary world of magic and fairy tales but as I became aware of the real world it dawned on me that the real world isn't where I want to be. Life is too restricting. Gladly people these days are becoming more assertive in their views instead of just sitting back and let a shitty tradition dictate the misery of their lives. They've stood up to what they believe and feel write and expressed themselves freely. They are justified in their actions, not ruled by the demeaning theories of what we should be. Society has thought us to think square. 

I believe we were born with circular minds, an unending rotation of possibilities and ideas and opinions. In the progression through childhood your circle is slowly hacked away by what should be and what must be and your circle becomes 2-dimensional cornered and your mind becomes restricted and measurable. 
Breaking through this sounds easy but is beyond difficult. I've thought about it many times but an action like that is one that tips either extremity complete failure or utter success. 
I don't believe I have the courage to break through the glass roof of society which is looking more like a metal roof than anything. There'll be a day when there will one person who is strong enough and when that day comes we will all follow like a herd of sheep behind them to freedom. 


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