Teenage Stress

There will be a time in your life where you will face a huge struggle, or for some, many struggles. These difficult times will shape you into the person you are ment to be. It will test your character and build your personality. Your whole outlook on life and on yourself will be challenged.

I think for most people their most stressful years is their teenage years. Especially in this day and age when immense pressure is put on teenagers to be perfect and to fit in. There are too many high expectations from the world. They are figuring out who they are, their dreams, their desires, their sexuality and unfortunately life can be a real bitch and can dump all of your issues on you at the one time.

 Should I drink? Should I take drugs? Should I tell my parents I'm gay? These are questions that people face on a daily basis. Worries and fears increase and stress and tension can make you feel like a ticking bomb. Sometimes your emotions take over your brain and each thought feels like a teenage girl in a shopping center on Black Friday when everything is 80% off, each girl running around like a headless chicken bumping into each other, grabbing everything they can find making a right mess of the place. This perfectly describes my mind on a daily basis. 

Not only can the universe dump all this shit on you, out of nowhere, without warning, but the world can make the shit a whooooole lot worse. There's been so many assemblies about kindness and friendliness in my school of 1000 people yet I can only count the friendly people on my hand with fingers to spare. Too many cliques, which honestly isn't too bad, butttttttt, these cliques aren't friendly or nice to each other. You must know what i'm talking about especially if you go to an all-girl's school like I do. With so many cliques and so much nastiness it makes for a whole lot of negativity to be surrounded it each day of your life.

 I, however, am no longer in a clique. In starting secondary school I moved from clique to clique and was welcomed by all as a part of the group, then 3 years down the line I was apart of 'OUR' clique of OUR friends, but as time progressed the group of friends grew further apart but in pairs. As I was falling down into that unhappy state during that time, I grew away from them all, so in the end there was no pair for me. I'm not close to any of the pairs although we may talk casually every once in awhile. They still might say that i'm their 'friend' but I'm not welcomed to the cliques they've become a part of. We don't spend time together anymore. We've become more or less close acquaintances. They're happy and i'm happy for them. I'm not welcomed by any group in my year and for some reason even begrudged by some for reasons I know not. People whom I smile at ,in passing on the corridors, to be returned with a scowl. This is the kind of atmosphere we sadly have to surround ourselves with for 6 LONG slow years of our life and these are the years that will make us or break us.
School was made with good intentions but in all truth it is without a doubt a battle ground with winners and losers with the lucky few who come out scar-less.
 As in battle it's never easy or SAFE to go alone. 

P.s sorry that this was a little all over the place but I hope some of you can relate in some  way :)



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