Bye Bye Term 1 Hello Term 2!

Unfortunately the mid-term break has come to an end and we have no choice but to return to our dull school lives... but it doesn’t have to be miserable :D

The previous term was no doubt stressful and down-right exhausting and it would be, trying to get back into the swing of things after a glorious 3 months of freedom in the sun. The change from liberty filled days in the outdoors to have to stay stationary enclosed in a freezing, strange smelling building filled, with in my case, screaming moody teenage girls. What Fun, right?!
I  don't know about you but I was hormonal, emotional, teary, and right about ready to pull my hair out. Coming from a year of practical work and independent study to theory, theory and more theory not to mention the test after test, I was on the brink of a melt down. The midterm was well needed and in saying that well used. I'm now revived and ready for whatever the classroom throws at me.
After learning from my mistakes of that last term I thought I should give a tip or two about what I would do for this term coming.
First of all, clear out all that dread and Hooorrible negativity ** BITCH SLAP** is it gone? Good!
This term is your chance to prove yourself if you pretty much screwed up everything last term. Get that thinking cap on and get working. Work is such a daunting word, doesn't it just drip with horror ? When you think of studying try not to picture a desk alone. Make it interesting!! Make it exciting!!
Notes? I suggest colour! and a lot of it! For example this year Im really hating English, I don't like Othello, I do not understand your man Shakespeare and I don't see how the Moor killing his wife is going to make me smarter. Can I just say Othello, you are a fool! You out fool Roderigo and that's saying ALOT! Anyways I had to write out tonnes of notes on the play and it was tormenting me knowing I'm going to have to reread them while I'm studying. Being the smart little devil I am, I added alittle sugar and spice to make it nice.. okay that was lame. I highlighted, coloured, drew, stuck post it notes in and colourful labels and now it is very prettiful indeed.
IMPORTANT thing to remember, change pen colour every paragraph in your notes because I don't know about you but I zone out after the first few lines and the whole thing becomes one boring blur.
Secondly find your weakness, be it French, Biology, Physics, whatever. Concentrate on where your finding it difficult. Is your other subjects suffering by doing it at Higher level? This is where it might be time to drop down. I know the thoughts of doing pass seem like a nightmare but its not worth sacrificing your other subjects. Maybe by doing it at pass you will be able to prioritize evenly and the ending result will in fact give u more points then you would have gotten by keeping it at higher level.  :) TA DA
Lastly, don't forget your social life. As my science teacher told me last term, school isn't and shouldn't be your life. Yeah you've got to study but don't let it take over your life. You need your friends and as she emphasised quite strongly " you NEED exercise!!! ". Be active, go out on the weekends! They're there for a reason, they're a break from school :D Use them for their purpose :) Going out with your friends or even just some me-time with a tub of icecream or a nice bubble bath to de- stress because TRUST ME I KNOW if you don't de-stress after a week of school you are doomed for the week coming.
I hope this advice helps somebody or reminds you of the importance of renewing yourself and positivity then great, Job Well Done! That's all for tonight, Adios <3


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