Reasons to look forward to Winter Weather!
So Winter has finally arrived HIP HIP HORRAY!! It's time to pull out those wooly knits and fuzzy socks!
Theses are some reasons to love Winter:
A christmas movie I'd reccommend is 'A Christmas Carol', the version with Jim Carrey. It just creeps me out and it is nothing like your typical Christmas film and I enjoy it's weirdness. My favourite thrilling part of Christmas Carol is when he is in his chair and you hear the ghost outside dragging it's chain along the ground getting closer and closer, louder and louder and you can really feel the tension and anticipation rocketing! Then the door knob slowly turns and BAM he shoots out frightening the daylights out of me every time. Oh the joy! No sarcasm intended.
What's your favourite Christmas movie?
It's beauty is magnificent it just seems to purify the area it lands on, making it look innocent and heavenly. If only looks were as they seem but no these stunning flakes freeze me entirely replacing the joy with pain and back inside I go, to defrost. My snowy days are spent alternating between the two. Despite MY EXPERIENCES people seem to love the snow and I can't deny I dont. It's like a families version playdough where you can mould your very own addition to the family Mr.Snowman or if your skilled unlike me you can build your own little winter wonderland! :D
One of the reasons I love winter is because I can whip out the awesome knitties! Gloves, hats, scarves, chunky cardigans and those goofy christmas jumpers we all secretly adore. This winter pastels are becoming increasingly popular and what's not to love about it? They beautifully compliment the snow if you think about it haha, not to mention looking super cute. If that's not your thing grunge is also trending and you can pair your bad-ass outside with some leather gloves and a fierce black beanie with a cheeky phrase written across it!
Fini :)
Theses are some reasons to love Winter:
It's an excuse to excessively gulp down gallops of delicious hot coco topped with teeny weeny marshmellows and watch all your favourite Christmas movies on Netflicks.Oh "ELF" how I've missed you dearly and of course I can't forget the classic Grinch!A christmas movie I'd reccommend is 'A Christmas Carol', the version with Jim Carrey. It just creeps me out and it is nothing like your typical Christmas film and I enjoy it's weirdness. My favourite thrilling part of Christmas Carol is when he is in his chair and you hear the ghost outside dragging it's chain along the ground getting closer and closer, louder and louder and you can really feel the tension and anticipation rocketing! Then the door knob slowly turns and BAM he shoots out frightening the daylights out of me every time. Oh the joy! No sarcasm intended.
What's your favourite Christmas movie?

One of the reasons I love winter is because I can whip out the awesome knitties! Gloves, hats, scarves, chunky cardigans and those goofy christmas jumpers we all secretly adore. This winter pastels are becoming increasingly popular and what's not to love about it? They beautifully compliment the snow if you think about it haha, not to mention looking super cute. If that's not your thing grunge is also trending and you can pair your bad-ass outside with some leather gloves and a fierce black beanie with a cheeky phrase written across it!Fini :)
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